Then Yeshua said to them
therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age
-Matthew 28:19-20

Gilad and Magi founded Radiant Israel in faithful obedience to the call of God on their lives. They have a great passion and desire to see the captives set free and to see those they are privileged to reach enter into the glorious freedom that is found in Christ - Messiah Yeshua!
Both Gilad and Magi had powerful encounters with the Lord that changed their lives forever. Gilad had a Life - Changing Visitation with the Lord where Yeshua came into His apartment in Tel Aviv in His Glorious Power of Love and set him completely free from all bondage. He broke every chain and powerfully transformed his life leading Gilad on a journey of fasting and prayer. Today Gilad ministers from the supernatural healing and victory he received, and continues to receive from the His time in the presence of The Lord. Gilad is an ordained minister, a prophetic voice and a powerful international speaker.
Magi walks in the peace of The Lord and has a strong anointing to usher in the presence of The Lord in worship. Her prophetic worship opens the heavens and shifts the atmosphere. Magi has a deep love for Yeshua and has paid a steep price to follow the call of God on her life. Together, Gilad and Magi have been used to bring revival to homes and families around the world and to introduce people to the tangible love of God.
Radiant Israel raises and trains disciples, while empowering a growing remnant of Kingdom builders. Gilad also serves and helps to lead and support ministries, companies and organizations that are establishing the Kingdom of Heaven.
As watchmen on the wall, we preach righteousness, expose darkness, decree and declare prophetically, and make and lead corporate international calls for repentance, prayer, fasting, and intercession. We remember the poor, and we provide significant financial assistance to widows, orphans, and holocaust survivors in Israel and the nations.
Our heart is to help create unity within the Body of Christ and build bridges between Israel and the nations of the world through global media evangelism.
Our calling and mission is to prepare the way of The Lord and to reach the nations of the world with the true message of The Kingdom in order to prepare them for the soon return of Yeshua, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

With The Lord’s guidance, Radiant Israel successfully combines the growing demands of relational based touring, with Kingdom focused activities to create maximum impact for all involved. Over the years seeds of love have been planted deep in the heart of Israel. Focusing on the poor & neediest members of our community has enabled Radiant Israel to not only bless the nation of Israel, but also demonstrate the love of Christ in all that we do. Today Radiant Israel champions humanitarian support for organizations like the Helping Hand Coalition, Shalom House, as well as special projects like The Storehouse, UBIS & Holocaust Survivor Penpal projects.