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Writer's picture: Gilad RosingerGilad Rosinger

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

I am greatly encouraged today as I write this statement. Over the last few days I have had a supernatural peace that surpasses understanding. I have felt an excitement in the spirit that I can only describe as faith in the things unseen and the promises of The Lord. My faith is continually growing as I walk this path with The Most High. He never ceases to amaze me with His ways that are always higher than ours (Isaiah‬ ‭55:8-9‬). Let me state clearly that my hope is not in man. My hope is in The Lord. Period. I trust in Adonai. Blessed is the one who trusts in The Lord and cursed is the one who trusts in man (Jeremiah 17:5,7). It is very clear, however, that the Lord uses men to do His will, and I believe without any shadow of a doubt, that The Lord has been using and is still using President Trump to accomplish His Will. Although I never personally received a Word from The Lord, or shared a Word from The Lord about Trump being re-elected, it appears to me that many in the Body of Christ (on both sides) are acting hastily and prematurely in their response to Biden being “declared the winner”. With all of the mounting evidence of fraud, corruption and deception, how can any believer come into agreement with the modern day prophets of Baal? AKA The Mainstream Media. The media is corrupt and owned by the powers that be and the media does not decide who becomes President- The American People do.

There are multiple court cases in process and hundreds of investigations into voter fraud. Every hour seems to bring new evidence and sworn witnesses who are testifying to witnessing voter fraud. This is beyond alarming and outrageous on every level. Can I remind you that The Lord hates these things:

Corruption, lying, stealing...

“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6:16-19

I think we can all agree that stealing an election would easily fall into the category of the things that The Lord hates. Not to mention the killing of innocent babies in the womb - which the Democratic Party champions. Scripture is clear that the Lord considers it an abomination.


I’m encouraged by many in the remnant who remain steadfast in their hope and continue to pray for exposure and for the perfect Will of The Lord to come to pass. There is a new found boldness and unity that is blooming and it is clear that the Kingdom Army is taking their place! At the same time, I am saddened by the quick retractions and repentance from Prophets who prophesied a second term for Trump. Were they convicted by the Holy Spirit or are they losing faith because of what the media and the world is saying? It is not clear to me, but I personally believe it is the pressure of the media and the world that is getting to them.


I’m also saddened by the rush to accuse prophets and other well known prophetic voices as being “false prophets”. I think this shows incredible immaturity and quite frankly reveals an accusatory spirit that is quick to blame and point fingers. It almost feels like some believers actually want these prophetic voices to be proven wrong and defamed.

Whatever the case may be, I can promise you that The Lord will bring everything to light in His Perfect Timing. There is no need to rush into judgment. We will know when this process is complete, and it appears that there is a long legal battle that will ensue and only then when it is completely final should there be a holding to account.


Some have claimed that the Lord is not giving Trump a second term because the Church has idolized him. I personally disagree with this viewpoint. Although I do agree that some leaders and some Christians have an unhealthy posture towards him, and perhaps put too much hope in the man verses trusting in The Lord, I think that the majority of believers simply recognized that He is being used by God to accomplish His will and partnered with that revelation. I think that those who did idolize Trump will be able to use this time as an opportunity to repent of that and that The Lord will use it to strengthen their hope in the things above once again. I think it’s presumptuous to claim that The Lord would prioritize dealing with some in the church who idolized Trump, over the US’s position towards Israel, dealing with mass abortion, gender confusion, homosexuality, child trafficking etc etc.


I had the honor to participate in The Return - a historic and united movement of heartfelt repentance that not only touched America, but the entire world. Everyone that I know that was there or that watched it online was unanimous in their agreement that it was a holy convocation ordained by Heaven and a sacred assembly that was genuine in its posture and sincere in its delivery. For us who had the privilege to speak and pray at the event- it was even more of a resounding Heaven meets Earth HalleluYah- The Spirit of The Lord showed up! There was a healthy fear of The Lord and a United heart of repentance and revival.

Have we already forgotten the promises of The Lord?!! After the main event, on the Day of Atonement, I believe that The Lord gave us a sign from Heaven that He heard our prayers. Several of us witnessed a double rainbow over the White House and an outpouring of rain at the very moment that we were praying for a revival of righteousness to be released over The Land.

The entire Sacred Assembly, which reached over 20 million people, was based on this promise from The Lord found in 2 Chronicles‬ ‭7:14‬ ‭- “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

I believe it is absolutely clear, without any shadow of a doubt, that the remnant did in fact put their heart and soul into partnering with this scripture to do their part. The rest of the promise is in the hands of The Lord.


So did His people? If you believe that the answer is 'yes', then you should absolutely believe the Word of The Lord will come to pass and He will hear from Heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.


In order for healing to happen- darkness and corruption must be exposed and dealt with. Depending on the depth of the wound - The process of healing is often long, painful, and requires great patience. In this case we know that the corruption runs very deep and is widespread. Many have referred to part of this process in Washington as “draining the swamp”. As you know the most dangerous time in a confrontation with a dangerous criminal is when you catch them red handed in a crime. When they are cornered they have to make quick life or death decisions and these can have deadly and dangerous consequences to all involved. I gave a reference to this with a prophetic encounter I recently had with a scorpion in the last live video that I did ( link in comments ).

I have been warning the body of Christ ( and anyone else who will listen ) for years to PREPARE. Many of you probably got tired of seeing my posts on - PREPARE!

I believe that it is clear now to everyone that regardless of how this plays out - challenging times are ahead so we must continue to prepare.


Judgment and deliverance come together. The blessing for some and the curse for others. The rewards for some and the punishment for others. Scripture is clear about this. So even now declared The Lord repent and turn to The Lord with your whole heart ( Joel 2 ).

Judgment begins in the House of God and scripture is also clear that part of YHVH’s judgment comes through division ( Ezekiel 34 ). I do believe that The Lord has clearly heard our prayers and is working to expose wickedness, but at the same time, He is also dividing between the sheep and the sheep and between the sheep and the goats ( Ezekiel 34 ). For those who have followed me for a while you know that I have given several Words about this in the past. ( Links in the comments )


We should all continue to prepare our hearts and our homes for all scenarios. We must not rush to conclusions or change our position because the outside world tells us something different than what we believe. We especially must not be moved by the false prophets and satanic agents who threaten us with defeat and worse. We cannot and should not be moved until there is a conclusive verdict on Earth and until The Lord makes His final decision known to all.



The last Word that I gave before the outcome of the election was announced was:

“Regardless of what happens in the US Elections, The Word of The Lord to The Kingdom Army is: ADVANCE!” This remains my position.

We rejoice in the trials and we praise The Lord in the storm. We must have faith in His Word and not be shaken by the things which we do not yet understand. The Word of The Lord is clear and I am excited about this: We are seeing revival. End Time Revival is here. So rejoice in The Lord! I say again: Rejoice in Adonai!

With a sober heart but great anticipation,

Gilad Rosinger

Founder / CEO

Radiant Israel

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